Sign language is a form of communication that uses hand gestures to convey meaning. Dot to dot is a very popular child’s game, where you join the numbered dots to form a picture. Here, you’ll learn how to create your own free online dot to dot game using the sign language alphabet.

Want to see how it feels? Try the game out here!
Sign Language and Fingerspelling
Fingerspelling is the use of sign language to represent the letters using only the hands. There are different types of sign language worldwide, but the most used sign language alphabet is the American one.
Using games as a learning tool
Children love video games. And it is a well-known fact that games are a useful tool as teaching support. You can use them to help teach numbers, letters, math, and why not sign language?
These claims are not just anecdotal. Research shows that the use of games in the classroom helps increase student engagement, promotes social and emotional learning, and motivates students to take risks. In addition, research has found that virtual games can improve attention and concentration in students with ADHD and help students with dyslexia improve spatial and temporal awareness.
One big advantage of creating a connect the dots game at “Oh, My Dots!” is the ability to print the games. If you don’t want to distribute them as an online activity, you can download the printable PDF and give it to the kids as a worksheet.
How to create a free dot to dot game using the sign language alphabet
Open the website
In your preferred web browser type in the address bar.
Open the dot-to-dot game generator
In the Oh, My Dots home page, click on the “Create my own connect the dots game” button or in the “Create a game” button.
Select a picture to create the game
Click on browse and select your desired picture to convert into a dot-to-dot game. Alternatively you can drag picture into the designed area (from another browser tab for instance).
Select the number of dots and adjust the dots
Click in the points box and type 26 and press Enter to add 26 dots. You can click and drag the dots to the desired position. When finished press the Next button.
Select the Sign Language Alphabet
In the preview game screen, press the letters button (ABC) and select the Sign Language alphabet.
Create or print your dot to dot worksheet
Here you can still change the game style, the font size and set an Image hint. To create and share the game, press the Create button. If you just want to print it, press the Print button.
If you are planning to print the image, you might want to select an Image hint. This is displayed only when printing the game.
Congratulations, you just created your free online Sign language alphabet dot to dot game!